Rockin’ and thinking

English below.

¡Hola, estoy viva y casi de vuelta! Por favor discúlpenme por mi larga ausencia. He tenido mucho trabajo, me he enfermado, he batallado (jeje, que dramática soy) y he estado en constante lucha atacando la ansiedad y el stress. Los días pasan volando y en estos momentos deseo un buen masaje. Por el otro lado estoy MUY contenta, pues durante mi ausencia he tenido el HONOR de ser nominada por varias colegas artístas y amigas de la Blogosfera.

Kathryn de “Sniplings” con un Thinking Blogger Award.


Pati de “Cabana Digital” seleccionó mi blog como blog del día.


Y las talentosas, dulces, hermosas e inolvidables creativas amigas: Claudia (Degliuomini) y Paula (Miss Pink) me distinguieron con la mención de Rockin’ Girl Blogger.

NOTA: Debajo están las nominaciones. Y si por mi fuera, nominaba a todas las chicas que tengo en mi Blogroll!! MUCHAS GRACIAS nuevamente.



Please excuse my absence for these past two weeks. I have been sick, extremely busy, hum, under stress and very tired. But I am grateful and thankful, because you always come back and leave me nice comments. And wait for me until I come back. Thank you VERY much.

And here I am back, Rockin’ and thinking!

During my absence I feel honored to be nominated by these incredible talented GREAT cyber-friends with special CYBER-AWARDS.

Kathryn (Sniplings) with a Thinking Blogger Award, Pati (Cabana Digital) with a Blog of the day, Clau (Degliuomini) and Paula (Miss Pink) mentioned me with a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. I can’t thank enough, this was very unexpected, and I treasure things like these. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I feel grateful..

So here are my 5 nominations for the Thinking Blogger Award:

  • Mall: May Ann Licudine’s work enhances the power of dreams. Her beautiful depictions makes you wonder about about Babu’s world and what is in his thoughts. You will feel true magic, charm and sweet surrealism through her work. You will be bliss with the delight and sensibility of her written words and soul.
  • Gout: Jeffrey’s illustrations are remarkable. The bold lines and dynamic composition of his work without doubt will tranport you to another dimension, full of fantasy. His characters are bold and some have a mix of quirky and cute. I invite you to feel his work by going through his elegant, oldish style yet modern blog.
  • Donowatoso: In Constance’s work there is this glow, this world and a beautiful mind behind. I am totally drawn to it. Her work is full of enlightenment. Her deep and emotional words accompany her illustrations which takes me to another level of conscience and that it goes of the hand with a gold realm. A talented friend a truly special one. Please, take your ticket and travel to her brilliant world.
  • Rainplace: Mike’s blog is all inspiration. It is a transparent pure diary that has very mature and intense artwork. He is an artist that has passion for life and nature. Go visit his blog and take the journey. I guarantee you will taste a bit of his beautiful, fun and creative mind. He is a wise soul indeed.
  • Mundogominola: Claudia, oh! she is surreal. Her watercolor and digital illustrations are stunning. She can create same similar effects in both mediums, it is amazing. Love her whimsical and mature characters, so poetic. She is has deep sense of color and definitely you have to discover her metaphoric illustrations. Great artist and friend.

*Here are the nominations for the Rockin’ Girl Award (If it was up to me, I could have nominated all the girls I have at my Blogroll!)

Annax (she came back with a new blog), Amy (Star Magnolia), Christy (Sew Fussy), Kathryn (Sniplings), Abigail (Theodesign), Máriam (Missisi), Faun (Hands+Notions), Eva (Blau), Susan (Sweet Pea), Flossy-P, Irisz (Artista Muvek), Malin (RITA Illustration), Emma Kidd (Benconservato) and last but not less important, Astrid (Potatomammadesign).

These girls absolutely ROCKS!…I don’t want to leave this post without including an illustration, Ok, let’s play “Peek-a Boo” with her! These are sneak peeks of the illustrations I have been working on for Norma Editorial. May you ALL have a great week and I will be seeing you (hopefully) in a week or so. Many hugs and candy kisses!


“Shhh….he-he! Don’t tell anyone I hide”.

19 thoughts on “Rockin’ and thinking

  1. Awwwww….. thank you very much for nominating me, darling! *cries* I’m sooo honored! 😀 Alright, I will make a post about thinking blogger award. hee hee! I love your newest illustrations dear! ❤ You know what, you’re one of my favorite illustrators!

  2. Pues yo te nomino para el Empanadillazo Award….

    Que es el Empanadillazo Award, te preguntas? Simplemente significa que ya son las 3PM y es hora de que Amy cocine las empanadillas que por fin consiguio aqui en las vegas! 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

  3. Oh qué dulce eres! Gracias por la nominación…! Espero que ya estés mucho más animada y que sigas enseñándonos dibujos tan preciosos como estos..! Besos y abrazos..!!

  4. Dear Marjorie
    Thank you SO MUCH for listing my as a nominee for the ROCKIN’ GIRL AWARD. I’m honored, flattered, and grinning from ear to ear 🙂 Your work is always so inspiring, I *love* browsing through your illustrations. All the more exciting is such a compliment from *you* 🙂

    cyber hugs!

  5. Felicidadees Marjorie!! Te lo mereces 🙂
    Lindas ilustraciones, lindas lindas.. Hacía toempo que no me pasaba a visitarte y posteaste cosas muy hermosas..


  6. Thank you so much again for awarding me! I was so pleased and happy! Also thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog.

    I have been crazy busy planning a house move, and life has been so busy just living it.
    Hopefully when we relocate I can be “normal” online, and sent out happy snail mail.

    Sending much love sweetie!
    Annax Barrow x

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