My Kokeshi

English below. Updated (New images from the show)



Amigos y amigas ya estoy de vuelta y muy contenta de compartir con ustedes muchas cosas divertidas. Gracias por su paciencia por siempre regresar y dejar siempre comentarios motivadores y sinceros. Desde mi ausencia he vivido unas semanas intensas, divertidas y llenas de sorpresas. Les adelanto que ahora soy LIBRE, que recuperé esa niña interior que perdí hace muchos años atrás. Entre trabajos y compromiso conmigo misma se me hizo complicado actualizar mi blog. Tengo muchas cosas que mostrar, ¡así que estate cerquita! Aquí les muestro mi “Kokeshi” terminada, cuyo tema es: “Make a wish”. Tiene estrellitas brillantes, lunas, flores que se comen y personajes adorables en su alrededor. La exhibición de KOKESHI en SUBTEXT ya abrió. Si vives en California o lugar cercano pulsar aquí para instrucciones sobre cómo llegar a la exhibición. Ha sido todo un éxito desde el principio y todas las kokeshis lucen espectaculares. Cada artista le dio su toque, todas genuinas. Para ver la galería pulsa aquí. Si te interesa comprar un blanco y pintar una muñeca Kokeshi para ti puedes contactar a Christina Conway, curadora, artista y organizadora de este evento.

“Make a Wish” by Majeak Ann



*Images originally uploaded by Christina Conway.


Hello dear friend. I am way happy to come back! Thanks for the long waiting, for your patience and loyalty as always. For leaving me such wonderful and sincere comments during my absence, they were all motivating. THANK YOU. During my absence I was working on different things but most important, working with myself, finding a space for peace, in my interior, I was searching for “that little girl” that has been always within me and felt I lost it when I was 5. It’s feels good to come back, and I feel FREE, I was born again, it’s a precious gift. It’s all I can say.

On the other hand I have been also very busy working on other projects specially in this special project I have the honored to participate in this marvelous show at SUBTEXT, by curator and artist Christina Conway. I am showing you my finished piece above. This was a challenge indeed, I never painted something three dimensional before. When finished the doll I wanted to keep it myself! If you would like to stop by the show click here. To take a look at the gallery, all participants were spectacular! All Kokeshis are for sale, some were already sold before opening the show.If you would like to buy wood blanks (kokeshi) for yourself and paint it contact Christina. Hope you like my doll as much as I do…Enjoy the show!

p.s. I have new illustrations and doodles to show you are going to love. So…stay tuned!!

26 thoughts on “My Kokeshi

  1. ¡Ah, sí es un encanto tu Kokeshi! Disfruté mucho viéndolas, son hermosas, entre mis favoritas están la de Audrey, la de Alberto y la tuya 😀

    Besotes y felicidades por esta linda oportunidad 😀

  2. Valiò la pena esperar para ver lo hermosa que quedò tù kokeshi. Debes estar màs que realizada!

    Vengo pronto a ver què màs bellezas has hecho. Un abrazo Majeak!!

  3. Thanks SO much for the waiting, for your kind and happy words. I am glad you liked it!! I will be back soon with more illustrations. ^ ^

    Muchísimas gracias, me alegra les haya gustado la muñeca 🙂 Pronto regreso con ilustraciones.

    BESOS!! ♥

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