Thoughts like a star

Aquí otro pedazo de ilustración de mi tercer libro a publicarse este año. Hablaré más acerca del personaje (Pícola es su nombre) cuando esté publicado. Este cuento es uno de mis favoritos, pues tiene mucho que ver con alcanzar estrellas. Ultimamente he estado deseando y decretando. Confío en que todo se irá organizando hasta verlo concretado. Nuestros pensamientos deberían ser  como las estrellas: brillantes y audaces. Es así cuando las posibilidades de ver sueños alcanzados están más cerca. Y hablando de estrellas, les presento el blog de un amigo artista muy particular: Rainplace y su corta mágica animación.


Here is one sneak detail of my third children’s book to be publish this year. I will talk more about it and about her (Pícola is her name) onced it’s published. This book is one of my favorites because it has a whimsical atmosphere and has stars in it (love stars!). I have been wishing and decreeing lately and believing that the universe will organize path chains to make things happen. Our thoughts should be like stars: brilliant and audacious. It is thus when the possibilities of becoming dreams into reality are near. And speaking of STARS let me introduce you a friend and his blog: Rainplace. Please take a look at his short magical animation.

21 thoughts on “Thoughts like a star

  1. ay me encanta Marjorie!!! ya te he contado que tengo una fijacion con las estrellas, y esas son un sueNo…

    muchos besitos, ahora ire a cambiar en mi blog tu direccion…

  2. Marjorie! que bien que volviste y con tus dulces trabajos como siempre… Me alegra que tengas proyectos a la vista..

    Me gusta mucho el aspecto de tu nuevo blog, actualizaré el enlace.


  3. Hey Faun, I am glad you are here, miseed you too! mwah!*
    Constance 🙂
    Tricia, thanks for stopping by!
    Mariana, thanks ^ ^!
    Gustavo, caballero, gracias, saludotes!
    Sonia, te entiendo perfectamente….no worry! beso*
    Clauddia, siempre tan linda, un beso* Gracias.

  4. Hi! Welcome back!! Your new blog looks so fresh and pretty, I’ll be sure to come back soon. Thanks also for the link to that cute little animation, gave me a big smile. 🙂

  5. Michelle, Alina, thank you!
    Lea, welcome back, so nice to see you too!
    Hazel, hi! nice to meet you! Thanks 🙂
    Val wonderful Mam’ appreciate always.
    Cata, me alegra tanto, gracias!
    Momo and baby momo, mwah to both!
    Annax, incredible Annax, HUGE HUG.

  6. my darling Majeak! sorry for my very late response because I spent time with my relatives and my busy schedule. Wow, your new blog is so beautiful and delicious! I already put your new blog address in my links, sweetie. Awww, I’m very proud of you, congratulations on your new children’s book! Your artwork looks very very whimsical, magical and beautiful! *hugs* hope to see you soon. When my relatives will be going back to their country, I’ll be active again. *winks*

    Much much love to you and thanks for the lovely Flickr testimonial! I’ll make my testimonial for you soon!

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